Thursday, December 9, 2010

Favorite part? Least favorite?

My favorite part of the class were probably the papers. Some of the concepts that we learned and read about helped us analyze whatever subject we had thoroughly. They also helped us practice the concepts we learned about in the previous chapters. I enjoyed exercises that had us analyze real life situations and use the different concepts. I thought it was very useful in real-life situations. It was a contrast from having the routine where we would have to make our own examples. But they weren't all that bad. They were helpful. If you didn't understand the concept, you would have to research further to understand the concept clearly. Some thing that I didn't particularly enjoy was the word count, but I think it was necessary. I just found myself looking for more to say about the topic. I would have probably have enjoyed the requirement of sentences. I think this class was fine as is. I actually learned quite a bit in the class despite it being online, where one could slack off easily.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What I learned

I honestly learned quite a bit through the semester with this course. I learned about different types of arguments and how each can be used successfully. The most interesting of the batch would probably be fallacies and refutation of arguments. But one of the most helpful aspects was the example of how groups can be successful. Usually in classes I would dread the thought of doing group projects. And despite the lack of face to face interactions because of nature of the class, we were able to get everything done accordingly. This was also helped by the small groups text books that we were required. With timely updates from each member, we were able to finish the assignments. The most important key to the success is communication between group members. Overall I thought that was the most useful concept that I learned in this class. For example a company cannot be run by one person, but an entire team of people.