Friday, October 1, 2010

Ads: Internet Security

Spyware and virus have become a threat to your local PC. Naturally there are ads floating around on the internet for protection against those threats. You wonder which one is better. But they're all made to do the same thing. It's like choosing between the brand name or the generic stuff. It's all the same. Titanium by Trend Micro claims that 'nothing comes close.' All these antivirus ads always say that they're the best in protection. They do set up a good premise by allowing people to actually try the product and letting you try for yourself. But usually some programs on the internet cannot be trusted. There are new viruses that act like an antivirus program and try and force you to buy it so the attacks will stop. There was also a testimonial on the page, but the source seems random. Its getting harder and harder to believe testimonials.,32


  1. I agree with what you said about the advertisement. The premise is set up because of the free trial period. I have had my share of bad programs I used that I did not know were untrustworthy. I also agree with what you said about antivirus ads saying they have the best program. Almost all of them are the same and I cannot really tell the difference. It is fairly difficult for me to trust advertisements on the Internet most of the time. The quote is cited, but the source is fairly unidentifiable, so it is difficult to believe if it is true or not.

  2. I honestly do not like advertisements such as that. My mom had tried exiting from a pop-up that was an anti-virus ad on my computer. It was virus within it. I cannot believe that people have the audacity to make up such viruses like that. It is absurd.

    You do make a point about this ad’s premise. The way some anti-virus ads that have that free trial period does appeal towards the eye. Viruses and spy ware is somewhat hard to prevent. That is one reason why I switched from a PC to a Mac. Ads such as this are very common on the web. Be careful on what you click!

  3. Yea, this is a great ad. the premise if set up like finchkid mentions because it leads into the free trial. this gets people. it makes them want to try to product. i got caught up in this before. where i downloaded the free trial but then it was nearly impossible to remove afterwards and it ended up giving me a virus anyways. i finally gave up and like shegotsole did, i went to a mac. but i think this is one of the most common ads. they always pop up and force you into downloading things you dont want to! lol, great post.
