Saturday, October 23, 2010

Evaluating Premises

"Is it true? Are these premises valid?" These are questions we must ask ourselves when evaluating premises in arguments. Validity is something that can be easily left out when making an argument, especially if it goes way against the argument. We have criteria for believing in arguments. If we don't believe the claim or the premise, we usually disregard it quickly. Usually first off we go off our own personal experience, which is a good thing because it is said the be the best source of information. But also it is only as good as we remember it to be. We can also check through reliable sources of information. We should never accept claims from a source we don't know that is valid or from sources that don't even have a source! But another thing is that we shouldn't disregard an argument just because of the person. We disregard arguments based on the premises.

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