Friday, September 3, 2010

That was pretty vague...

I work at a yogurt shop in San Jose and I deal with the marketing of the store and one of things I deal with is fundraisers. I also go through with making sure that the funds that they are making are helping out the community and not being used selfishly. I had a meeting today with an organization that wanted to do a fundraiser with us. There was one portion that I had quite a bit of trouble comprehending. It was why they needed to do a fundraiser. I found the reason a bit vague. In direct quotation, the representative said they wanted to "build funds for their group activities." It took me a while to figure out what they actually needed the funds for. I couldn't tell if they wanted money for their pizza parties or to help out the community. They work in conjunction to the Red Cross of America, but they aren't directly affiliated with them. I couldn't understand why it all sounded so vague to me, but I connected that they are a supporter group.

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