Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wonders of Yelp!

Recently I have been exploring the wonders of the website, Yelp!
Yelp is an online service that shows ratings of different restaurants, stores, hotels, and more. These ratings and reviews are completely based by Yelp members; basically the common public. I started using Yelp when I visited Southern California recently. We used it to find popular restaurants and for the most part those reviews lived up to their hype. These reviews can either be agreed or disagreed upon because of their subjective nature. You can find people who absolutely love a place and people can absolutely hate the place. It's all subjective. Subjective claims deal with something that can't be measured or proved. For example, saying that Ike's Place has the best tasting sandwiches in San Francisco is a subjective claim because it can't be proved. It all depends from person to person. There maybe a general consensus only, but it can't be proven. There's some objective claims that can be found yelp as well, but there is very little. Objective claims are factual statements such as the sky is blue or there are fish in the ocean. Examples on Yelp may be that Ike's Place is the only sandwich place in the area. It is something measurable and cannot be proven otherwise.


  1. Hi! Yelp is an awesome site where you could find reviews of different places everywhere! I find it very useful. I also used it to find places to eat around Southern California recently too! And your right all the reviews on Yelp are subjective claims because most reviews are based on what the reviewer thinks of the place due to how they prefer certain things. With objective your right as well, an objective claim can be about what the restaurant has on the menu and such.
    Since you were using Ike’s place as an example, I was wondering if you have eaten there before? And if so, is it as good as the Yelp reviewers rate it?

  2. Heyy! I agree with heedeeko, yelp is a very awesome place that can be used anywhere. I also use yelp pretty often. I also do agree that a lot of the reviews on yelp are subjective. Some of the restaurant ratings on yelp can be inflated from friends and family members of the owners. I know this to be particular true when I decided to visit a local rib joint near Tully which happened to have a very high score on yelp. After reading all the great reviews on yelp I decided to visit the place only to find out that the local rib joint wasn't exactly as great as everyone on yelp had said. That being said, i might have fell for the number one rule of the internet. Never believe what other people tell you because it is all subjective comments.
