Saturday, September 11, 2010

Time Pressures

With any assignment there are deadlines and time constraints, but when dealing with group projects, there are many factors that can make completing the task more complicated. Time pressures is the effects the shortage of time towards the group. (O'hair 44) These factors may include meeting times and agreements on how to go about the assignments. If these cannot be established, then the assignment would end up being rushed. A good leader can deal with time pressures effectively by acting quickly and in an orderly fashion. As with groups needed for this class, a good leader would take a poll in order to find out when the best time would be to meet. With more people it would be harder and harder to find a perfect time for everyone to meet. Then the designated leader would need to make deadlines for everyone so people wouldn't procrastinate to the very end. These methods would quickly ease some of the time pressures.

1 comment:

  1. Heyy! I agree with your time pressure blog because I think its true. Time pressure is important for any group and for communicating also. If people procrastinate and leave off their projects to do for last minute then they will be rushed and their project will come out messy. I think an example of this is the project that we have to do for this class. At first we were very unorganized and we were slowly creeping up on the deadline for emailing the teacher a date that we would meet up on. In the end we failed to email her before the deadline.
