Friday, November 19, 2010

Causal Argument Article

I found the link that was supplied about causal arguments very useful in many different ways. It used a real life situation. I think that the example was the backbone of what helped out the explanation the most. I also thought that the breakdown helped as well as the exercise as well. I found this link very useful. In the example, they mentioned that the faults can be either put on the illegally parked van, the cyclist, the first car, or the second car. The arguments made against each of these were very indeed plausible arguments. But who's recklessness really caused the accident? Not until there is a common agreement this argument cannot be solved. I also found it useful that they pointed out the main factors and with each an example to go with the story; how demonstrable, how likely, and significant commonality or difference. The three factors were very useful to sum everything up in the article. I liked how it used examples as well that tied well with the example that they gave.

1 comment:

  1. The cause and effect website was practical in many ways. It included a scenario and broke it down into different parts to show how each possible lawyer can defend its client. Like you mentioned, factors were incorporated with the example making it easier for the readers to understand what can occur in arguments. The example also stated certain things can make an argument valid or invalid. The site broke down the example of the bike and the two cars into segments. Within each segment, it then went further in depth to demonstrate all the possibilities the direction of the argument can go.
