Friday, November 12, 2010


1. Reasoning by Analogy - "This restaurant that we're about to go to has some good ratings from the newspaper, so this restaurant has to be good."
2. Sign Reasoning - "The manager looked very pleased with my application as well as with our interview, I'm for sure going to get the job."
3. Causal Reasoning - "I didn't study very well and didn't feel too well about the quiz, I think I did poorly on today's quiz."
4. Reasoning by Criteria - "To be able to change your major you have to have taken under the specified amount of units. You aren't able to because you took to many units and now it's too late."
5. Reasoning by Example - "You should join an on campus organization. My friend who joined one seems to be enjoying college because he met people with similar interests."
6. Inductive - "This certain constellation only showed up in every season, but summer. It's winter now so we should be able to see it."
7. Deductive - "Actual led isn't used for pencils nowadays. So this pencil doesn't actually use led."

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